


Alchemix Finance is a DeFi protocol that allows people to create yield-backed synthetic tokens in exchange for providing their cryptocurrencies as collateral. Visitors can for example deposit their DAI into the protocol, and receive (a lesser amount of) alUSD tokens, equally pegged to $1. The protocol uses the collateral provided by its visitors to collect yield and dynamically repay the depositors' debt, essentially giving its users an immediate claim on the future yield of their tokens. The protocols native token is ALCX, used to govern the development and directional decisions of Alchemix.


Ambient (previously known as CrocSwap) is a DEX that is run in a single smart contract, where individual AMM (automated market maker) pools are included in the same contract instead of being separate smart contracts. Ambient single-contract architecture is designed to reduce gas and taxes while allowing users to seamlessly manage collateral in a single platform. Ambient was developed as a new codebase that provides various different features compared to other DEXes. The team believes that the economics of AMMs are "broken", which causes liquidity to be centralized and controlled by very few. In order to change this, Ambient built their protocol from the ground-up allowng for deeper and varied types of liquidity and introduced various features and quality of life improvements vs other DEXes. These features include: * Gas savings vs other competing DEXes * Gasless transactions - users can pay in the swapped token instead of ETH for gas (using the EIP-712 off-chain standard) * Permissioned pools * Different types of liquidity - Concentrated (similar to UniV3), ambient (similar to UniV2), and knockout (similar to limit orders) * Dynamically adjusted pool fees


Bancor is a decentralized exchange. It is distinguished from other DEX protocols by its automated market maker, which lets people deposit liquidity in a single-sided fashion, whereas many other platforms require its visitors to provide liquidity with their tokens in an inherently two-sided way. Bancor's automated market maker mechanism achieves this through its native token, BNT, which is dynamically minted and co-invested by the protocol when visitors deposit their collateral as liquidity. Besides having BNT as the unitary counterpart asset of exchange for trading on the platform, the protocol also offers a unique solution against Impermanent Loss to its liquidity providers.

baseline markets

Baseline Markets introduces a novel approach to liquidity in the crypto market, focusing on infinite, unruggable liquidity. The platform offers a mechanism that protects a token's price using protocol-owned liquidity, ensuring a baseline value that powers the entire protocol. This approach includes features like protection against price drops (Anti-Jeet Tech), perpetual price support (Up Only, Forever), borrowing options with no liquidation (Borrowing Built-in), and fair launch practices. For projects, Baseline promises a suite of tools for price protection, no-liquidation loans, and more, aiming to make liquidity management more secure and efficient.

bitcoin puppets

The Ord Puppet Inu Undoxxed Millionaire and Bitcoin Puppets collections are unique artistic endeavors inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain. They represent a blend of creativity, effort, and passion, existing outside conventional frameworks. Created as pure art without any roadmap or promises, these hand puppet designs celebrate the unconventional, serving as a testament to creativity's boundless nature. Their existence on the blockchain ensures their permanence, embodying a departure from traditional expectations of utility and corporate structure


Blast is a unique Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) platform that offers native yield for ETH and stablecoins, such as its own USDB. The yields are generated from ETH staking and Real-World Asset (RWA) protocols, which are then automatically passed back to users. This L2 is designed from scratch to incorporate these yields natively, making it EVM-compatible and an optimistic rollup. It introduces a higher baseline yield for users and developers, creating opportunities for new Dapp business models not possible on other L2s.

Celer Network

Celer is a blockchain interoperability protocol enabling a one-click user experience accessing tokens, DeFi, GameFi, NFTs, governance, and more across multiple chains. Developers can build inter-chain-native dApps using the Celer Inter-chain Message SDK to gain access to efficient liquidity utilization, coherent application logic, and shared states. Users of Celer-enabled dApps will enjoy the benefits of a diverse multi-blockchain ecosystem with the simplicity of a single-transaction UX, all from a single chain.


ChainSecurity, operational since 2017, is renowned for conducting smart contract audits, especially for high-profile DeFi protocols and Web3 projects. Their approach involves extensive quality assurance and in-depth investigations to uncover novel vulnerabilities, making them specialists in auditing complex and high-stakes smart contracts. Their client base includes notable names in the crypto space, underscoring their expertise and trustworthiness in ensuring blockchain security.

Chaos Labs

Chaos Labs provides real-time risk assessments and makes use of simulation technology to ensure the safety of the assets their clients manage. They provide risk services including: ### Parameter Recommendations Gain actionable insights on how shifts in your parameter settings will impact protocol revenue, capital efficiency, and user accounts. ### Protocol Risk Dashboard A macro view on your protocol’s economic well-being as well as user positions, ensuring you always have a view on risk exposures. ### New Asset Support Make informed decisions around adding new assets, comprehensively weighing the economic risk and opportunity ### Economic Analysis Get assurances that what you’re building is economically sound and test potential exploits in Chaos Labs’ on-chain simulation environment.


Circle is a global financial technology company that issues the stablecoins USDC and EUROC, and develops programmable wallets across various blockchains. Circle is regulated as a licensed money transmitter under US state law just like PayPal, Stripe, and Apple Pay. Circle’s financial statements are audited annually. ### Why? USDC is a digital dollar, that’s available 24/7 and moves at internet speed. USDC lives natively on the internet, and is available for users to spend regardless of borders and banking hours. Anyone with an internet connection can send, receive, and save USDC. A key feature of USDC is that it's always redeemable 1:1 for US dollars. USDC reserves are held in the management and custody of US financial institutions, including BlackRock and BNY Mellon.


Coinbase is the most trusted cryptocurrency platform, and an ideal starting point if you're new to crypto. They started in 2012 with the idea that anyone, anywhere, should be able to easily and securely send and receive Bitcoin. Today, they offer a trusted and easy-to-use platform for accessing the broader cryptoeconomy. [When you deposit on a centralised exchange you receive an IOU for your tokens, which shows up as your wallet balance. When your tokens are held on a centralised exchange, you don't physically own them – the exchange does, and you may lose them]


Cometh is a Web3 development platform that simplifies creating and scaling blockchain applications. It offers zero gas fees for end-users, developer-friendly APIs, and wallet abstraction for a seamless experience. Cometh supports creating dedicated NFT marketplaces with features like real-time indexing and credit card payments for NFT purchases. It's designed for developers aiming to build web3 applications with mainstream-ready user experiences, offering solutions like account abstraction and optimistic rollups for Ethereum-grade security.


Cosmos, known as the Internet of Blockchains, is a decentralized network of independent, scalable, and interoperable blockchains. It aims to solve the problems of scalability, usability, and interoperability in the blockchain space. Cosmos facilitates the development of blockchains that can transact and communicate with each other within a secure and standardized ecosystem, powered by its consensus model, Tendermint. This approach allows for a wide range of applications, including decentralized finance (DeFi), token exchanges, and more, fostering a more interconnected and efficient blockchain landscape.


Deribit is a crypto options and futures exchange offering trading for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and more. It stands out for its market share in BTC and ETH options trading, aiming to serve both beginners and experienced traders with educational resources, a risk-free test platform, and 24/7 support. Deribit provides advanced trading tools, zero-fee spot trading, and a mobile app for trading on the go, catering to individual traders and institutions alike with its secure, reliable platform since 2016.

Dream Journal

Rylen is a noteworthy figure in the domain of cryptocurrency, promising exciting dialogues on the technological engagements in the realm of digital currencies and decentralized infrastructure. Rylen is not just a crypto-enthusiast, but refers to themselves as a 'Cyber mystic,' indicating their deep involvement and understanding of the often complex world of crypto. They are actively involved in creating what they term as 'digital memory palaces,' hinting at innovative applications of blockchain technology beyond its typical financial implications. In the crypto community, their influence is evident through a significant follow count, with over 427 followers learning and benefiting from their insights. Also worth noting is their digital asset portfolio, owning 18 collections. Rylen's user-friendly content seems to appeal to a broad range of demographics - from crypto novices to tech-savvy professionals. Rylen's content may be an excellent resource for beginners in cryptocurrency, as they can provide curated information to expand your understanding and competency in this budding digital frontier.


Enzyme is a decentralised asset management infrastructure built on Ethereum. Using Enzyme Smart Vaults, individuals and communities can build, scale and monetise investment (or execution) strategies that employ the newest innovations in decentralised finance. Enzyme allows anyone to build, scale and monetise non-custodial Smart Vaults which can be used for creating interesting investment strategies - from discretionary and robo to ETF’s, market making, lending, yield farming and more.


Epicenter is a platform offering in-depth discussions on the technical, economic, and social implications of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. Since 2014, it has featured interviews with business leaders, engineers, academics, and entrepreneurs, presenting a wide range of opinions and viewpoints. Hosted by Sebastien Couture, Brian Fabian Crain, Friederike Ernst, Meher Roy, and Felix Lutsch, Epicenter aims to educate and inform its audience about the evolving landscape of digital currencies and distributed technologies.


### What Ethereum is open access to digital money and data-friendly services for everyone – no matter your background or location. It's a community-built technology behind the cryptocurrency ether (ETH) and thousands of applications and smart contracts (computer programs living on Ethereum) you can use today. The Ethereum network is a network of computers all over the world that follow a set of rules called the Ethereum protocol, and it acts as the foundation for communities, applications, organizations and digital assets that anyone can build and use. Ethereum allows you to coordinate, make agreements or transfer digital assets directly with other people. You don't need to rely on intermediaries. And because no government or company has control over Ethereum it is impossible for anyone to stop you from receiving payments or using services on Ethereum. As mentioned before, Ethereum is not controlled by any particular entity and it exists whenever there are connected computers running software following the Ethereum protocol and adding to the Ethereum blockchain. Each of these computers is known as a node. Nodes can be run by anyone, although to participate in securing the network you have to stake ETH (Ethereum’s native token). Anyone with 32 ETH can do this without needing permission. ### Why Ethereum helps people and communities to coordinate in a resilient, open and trustworthy way on the internet. It also gives people the tools to have self sovereignty over their digital assets, and is particualrly important for people who have had to handle uncertainty around the security or soundness or mobility of their assets due to external forces outside of their control. The core value of Ethereum is that you can interact with the internet without trusting a central authority that could change the rules or restrict your access. The internet was meant to be a free and open space for everyone, and Ethereum builds on this premise, allowing you to control your own assets and identity, instead of them being controlled by a few mega-corporations.

Euler Finance

### What Euler is a non-custodial permissionless protocol on Ethereum that allows users to lend and borrow almost any crypto asset. Euler helps users to earn interest on their crypto assets or hedge against volatile markets without the need for a trusted third-party. ### Why? Euler introduces a number of new features in DeFi, including permissionless lending markets, protected collateral, reactive interest rates, per-second compounding interests and feeless flash loans. #### Permisionless listing Euler lets its users determine which assets are listed. Any asset that has a WETH pair on Uniswap v3 can be added as a lending market on Euler. #### Protected Collateral On Compound and Aave, collateral deposited to the protocol is always made available for lending. On the other hand, Euler allows collateral to be deposited, but not made available for lending. This collateral is 'protected'. It doesn't earn interest, but is free from the risks of borrowers defaulting, can always be withdrawn instantly, and helps protect against borrowers using tokens to influence governance decisions. #### Reactive interest rates Euler uses control theory to autonomously change the interest rates towards a level that maximises utilisation of assets in the protocol. These reactive interest rates adapt to market conditions for the asset in real-time without the need for ongoing governance intervention. #### Compound Interest Compound interest is accrued on Euler each second. This is different from other lending protocols, where interest is typically accrued every block. Earning interest per-second is generally expected to perform more predictably in the long-run, even if upgrades to Ethereum lead to changes in the average time between blocks. #### Feeless Flash Loans Euler only charges fees according to the time value of money, and from the blockchain's perspective flash loans are held for a duration of 0 seconds. Thus, they are entirely free on Euler (ignoring gas costs).


The Forta Network monitors on-chain activity in real-time, detecting threats, security-related events and other noteworthy activity. The network is made up of thousands of detection bots developed by a community of Web3 developers and security experts. Each bot acts like a little security camera monitoring something specific on-chain. Some bots monitor generic threats (i.e. phishing attacks, rug pulls), and others monitor protocol-specific activity (i.e. Lido, Compound). There are two primary actors in the Forta Network: **Users, **who consume threat intel generated by the network. Users could be Web3 wallets, DeFi protocols, or centralized exchanges looking for the latest threat intel to protect their customers. **Developers,** who create and maintain detection bots. They could be a leading Web3 security team, an independent security researcher or a DeFi core dev using Forta to monitor their protocol.

friend tech

### What - Buy and trade tokens of your twitter "friends" onchain. ### Why - Owning a "key" (previously referred to as a "share") to a twitter friend allows you to talk to them and read their "alpha" in a private chat with other keyholders. - Speculators may wish to buy keys in the hope the value will go up as more people buy keys of twitter friends. ### Risk - On signing up you must give friend tech permissions to tweet on your behalf (you can revoke this in Twitter settings after you've signed up). - There is currently no Privacy Policy (23-Aug-2023). - The value of friends' keys can go up or down depending on demand, so if you buy a key there is a chance it will go down in value. - There have been similarities drawn with friend tech being similar to "paid groups". ### Reward - By paying for keys you get to talk with people you may not otherwise have the opportunity to talk to. - Speculators have bought popular people's keys early, before their value goes up, allowing them to sell keys for a profit as demand (and price) increases. - When people trade your keys you earn a fee from those trades (as does friend tech).


Futureswap is a decentralized non-custodial perpetual protocol where users can gain leveraged exposure (up to 256x) to assets. Liquidity providers deposit passive liquidity in order to earn passive income from trading fees and FST incentives. This liquidity is utilized by the Futureswap AMM and other AMMs under the hood to create leveraged exposure. Realistically under the hood, Futureswap operates as a lending protocol as no leverage contracts are being created but only liquidity providers lending funds while holding collateral.

gas dot zip

Easily and cheaply bridge $50 for up to 50 L2s in a single transaction. Perfect for funding your Zora and Base transactions. is the fastest one-stop gas refuel bridge for over 100+ chains and counting. Users can instantly bridge to multiple destination blockchains with a single inbound transaction. has a deposit contract deployed on Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, Polygon and Avalanche that splits a user's inbound deposit and instantly settles it across all selected destination chains.


Gauntlet is a platform offering financial modeling and simulation tools for the DeFi (Decentralized Finance) sector. It focuses on optimizing protocols, managing risks, and enhancing overall economic efficiency through quantitative finance techniques and data-driven insights. Gauntlet serves a wide range of clients within the DeFi ecosystem, including protocols, DAOs, and traditional financial institutions, helping them navigate economic complexities and achieve sustainable growth.


Gemini is a regulated cryptocurrency exchange, wallet, and custodian that makes it simple and secure to buy bitcoin, ether, and other cryptocurrencies. They are a licensed New York trust company that undergoes regular bank exams and is subject to the cybersecurity audits conducted by the New York Department of Financial Services [When you deposit on a centralised exchange you receive an IOU for your tokens, which shows up as your wallet balance. When your tokens are held on a centralised exchange, you don't physically own them – the exchange does, and you may lose them]


### What Holyheld is a debit card that you connect to your crypto wallet(s). It allows you to spend the funds in your wallet(s) at the shops and online – just as you would use a regular bank debit card. You can pay from your phone, and one day (soon) you may be able to order a shiny metal card. ### Why Being able to spend your crypto straight from your crypto wallet via a debit card saves a bunch of steps that you'd traditionally take using a fiat offramp. ### Risk Your onchain transactions are protected up to $50,000 with their security partner Sherlock. ### Reward Unlimited 1% daily cashback on purchases for metal cardholders. Up to 0.5% for virtual cardholders. And all the time you save by not having to offramp.


### What Lido is an open source tool and family of protocols that enables users to mint liquid staking tokens (sTokens) - These liquid staking tokens receive rewards from validation activities of writing data to the blockchain, but unlike their staked counterparts, are "unlocked" which means they can be used in other on-chain activities, like DeFi. Lido protocols let users stake native tokens (ETH, MATIC, SOL) from Ethereum, Polygon, and Solana networks in a fully permissionless way. And as the protocols are deployed on public blockchains, users do not need the website to access the smart contracts. ### Why Traditional staking means that users need to lock-up their ETH or other native asset to be able to secure the network and receive the respective rewards. However, this means that these tokens can't be used for anything else while they are staked. Lido aims to solve this problem. Lido protocols give users liquidity - users are able to receive staking rewards from validation activities, but can sell their stTokens (tokens minted on Lido) anytime they want to exit their staking position. In addition, it allows users to participate in DeFi while getting rewards - Because sTokens are unstaked and thus "liquid", users can use stTokens as building blocks in DeFi protocols at the same time as getting staking rewards from validating activities. The Lido DAO also works with experienced node operators, which decreases the likelihood of technical mistakes that could lead to slashing or penalties and minimizes the technical burden for users to receive staking rewards. Users supply the stake, and the node operators supply the know-how.


Lifeboat is a platform designed to streamline how users stay updated with their NFT communities, cutting through the noise of Discord and Twitter. It consolidates updates from multiple sources into single, actionable tasks, categorizing them by type for ease of use. Lifeboat supports linking multiple wallets, allowing users to track activity across all their NFTs efficiently. It aims to make managing NFT project updates, including registrations for events, claims, and other activities, more straightforward and time-efficient.

Mango Markets

Mango Markets offers a DeFi platform combining safety, speed, and competitive features. It emphasizes low fees, rapid execution, and deep liquidity on the Solana network. With cross-margin accounts, community governance, and diverse trading options, Mango aims to provide a seamless trading experience. It also features innovative safety measures against manipulation and volatility, supports permissionless token listings, and encourages borrowing and earning interest on deposits. Mango encourages community development with its open-source approach, allowing for the creation of trading bots and new product integrations.


MASQ is a dMeshVPN, browser, dAppStore, protocol, and earning ecosystem that makes living in Web3 anonymous and private. MASQ makes it easy for you to access the truly global internet and web3 dApps with our cutting-edge decentralized privacy network and Web3 Browser! The MASQ Network delivers borderless browsing to its users through encrypted peer networking - all working on top of the normal internet without special hardware - by pooling together everyone's internet connections from around the world in a mesh network structure to create a truly global internet. ### Why The internet space is not what it used to be! You are tracked almost everywhere you go and your browsing habits are monetized to the highest bidder. Even worse, internet service providers and entire regions are being restricted or blocked from allowing their citizens to access the whole internet landscape as it was originally intended! Being able to have freedom of access with privacy by default is what MASQ is all about! ### Risk MASQ Network operates at a security level above VPN, and all traffic is encrypted using industry standard TCP connections. The networking protocol is so private that there is no way to determine how many users are on the network, or where traffic is being transported to and from! Users sharing their bandwidth can also filter the content access by choosing family friendly and safe DNS servers when setting up. ### Reward By sharing your internet bandwidth to the MASQ Network, you gain tokens from peers who are securely accessing the clear web from your region of the world - in the most simplest sense you share your digital freedom with those that need it and gain tokens from those users!


Matcha is a user-friendly cryptocurrency exchange platform powered by 0x protocol, designed to aggregate liquidity from various sources to offer users better pricing on trades. It simplifies the process of trading digital assets by providing a straightforward interface and optimizing for the best prices available across the DeFi ecosystem. Matcha aims to make cryptocurrency trading accessible to both beginners and experienced traders by offering an intuitive experience and detailed asset information.

Metal build

Metal is a platform designed to simplify the deployment of smart contracts across various blockchain networks. It offers one-click deployments, allowing users to configure and deploy contracts quickly. Metal also features a project library for managing deployments, instant frontends for user interaction with contracts, and the ability to fork existing projects. Additionally, it supports the visualization of contract systems and dependencies before on-chain deployment, encouraging discovery and modification of popular contracts from trusted developers.

Milady, That B.I.T.C.H.

Surprise free mint offered directly from contract, featuring Milady in a bootleg english t-shirt each spelling out B-I-T-C-H with random words. Words used for the random generation were sourced from cultural critic Angelicism01's essay on Milady, "NO MILADY NFTS, NOT NOW" with Chief Keef's "Finally Rich", and Chief Keef's "Kush with them Beans," as a playful and irreverent response to the environmental and capitalist criticisms made in Angelicism01's review, as a commentary on the inevitable cultural subsumption process of capitalism.


Morpho Blue is a decentralized protocol enabling the overcollateralized lending and borrowing of crypto assets (ERC20 Tokens) on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The protocol is implemented as an immutable smart contract, engineered to serve as a trustless base layer for lenders, borrowers, and applications. Morpho Blue is licensed under a dual license (BUSL-1.1 and GPLv2) which you can find [here]( Once deployed, Morpho Blue will function in perpetuity, provided the existence of the Ethereum blockchain. ### Why Within a year, Morpho has become the third-largest lending platform on Ethereum, with over $1.5B in deposited assets. Morpho's initial version, Morpho Optimizer, operates on top of Compound and Aave to enhance the efficiency of their interest rate model. But consequently, Morpho Optimizer’s growth is constrained by the current underlying lending pool design. In particular, the current lending paradigm is: - Not Trustless: It relies heavily on its DAO and trusted contractors to monitor and update hundreds of risk parameters daily or upgrade large smart contracts. - Not Efficient: It provides inefficient rate spread, low collateralization factors, and charges fees to maintain the platform itself. - Not Flexible: It has a limited number of assets listed. Users have no choice but to subscribe to the one-size-fits-all risk-return profile proposed by the DAO. Although DeFi lending has grown rapidly under existing protocols like Aave and Compound, we need to rethink decentralized lending from the ground up to reach the next order of magnitude. Having spent two years developing the most significant platform built on top of these onchain funds, Morpho is uniquely positioned to recognize and address its limitations. As anticipated in the initial whitepaper, Morpho must metamorphose to become fully autonomous and improve the current state of DeFi lending. We call this evolution Morpho Blue 🟦.


Odos is a decentralized exchange aggregator that optimizes order routing across multiple blockchain protocols, accessing over 700 liquidity sources and thousands of token pairs. It uses a proprietary algorithm for Smart Order Routing (SOR) to find the most efficient paths for swaps, ensuring users get the best rates while maintaining self-custody and security. Odos stands out by allowing atomic multi-token swaps in a single transaction, aiming to save on gas costs and reduce market impact for its users.


Orca is a decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Solana blockchain, designed with a focus on ease of use and efficiency, targeting both new and experienced users in DeFi. It stands out for its intuitive interface, fast transaction speeds, and lower costs, thanks to Solana's capabilities. Orca also emphasizes community and sustainability, incorporating features like impact investing through its "Whirlpools" for liquidity providers, aiming to make DeFi more accessible and beneficial for a broader audience.

ParaFi Capital

ParaFi Capital is a venture capital firm specializing in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Focused on blockchain technology and crypto assets, ParaFi Capital seeks to drive innovation and adoption within the DeFi ecosystem through strategic investments. Their approach combines deep industry knowledge with an active management strategy to support the growth of their portfolio companies. For more detailed information, visiting their website directly would be necessary.


Phaver is a social platform aiming to revolutionize online social graphs by allowing users to own and build them, rather than corporations. It leverages blockchain technology, specifically integrating with Lens Protocol and CyberConnect among others, to enable a decentralized social experience. Phaver offers features like multi-protocol support for bringing your own socials on-chain, gamified elements to build credibility and earn unique perks, and rewarding contributions with Phaver Points and future token rewards. The platform emphasizes openness, with easy sign-up processes and no whitelists, promoting a more inclusive Web3 social experience.


An art collective supporting the Digital Renaissance. Our 1,000 members are collectors and artists brought together by the belief that art is proof of our collective humanity, forming the unbroken chain of our shared human experience.In addition to membership to Proof’s exclusive digital and IRL community, Proof Pass holders gain access to unique opportunities to connect with artists and own and champion their art. Membership of the Collective in its current form is valid 1/1/2022 to 1/1/2025—after which members will formally join the Moonbirds family as "Moonbirds Elders".


Rated offers a solution to the poor contextualization of validator quality problem. This solution is centered around reputation scores for machines and their operators, starting with the Ethereum Beacon Chain [6]. Rated seeks to embed a large swathe of available information from all layers of a given network, and compress it in an easily legible and generalizable reputation score that can act as an input to human workflows but most importantly, machines (e.g. an API that acts as an input to insurance or derivatives Smart Contracts).


The Redacted ecosystem is a product suite of smart contracts empowering on-chain liquidity, governance, and cash flow for DeFi protocols. We've built two products inline with this mission: Hidden Hand and Pirex — with more in research and development. The Redacted protocol is the dApp centered around BTRFLY, which allows users to stake, earn incentives, and interact with governance proposals. The Redacted Cartel is the DAO building out the Redacted ecosystem. The DAO consists of developers, writers, researchers, and more who are all focused on building out Redacted and extending its reach in DeFi.


ShellBoxes is a company specializing in blockchain security and development services for the Web3 ecosystem. They offer a range of services, including smart contract audits, dApp audits, penetration testing, and blockchain consulting, to ensure the security and functionality of blockchain projects. Their expertise covers various blockchain ecosystems and programming languages, aiming to provide comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to protect and optimize Web3 projects.

Standard Crypto

Standard Crypto is a venture capital firm focusing on the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. They partner with entrepreneurs and communities to build the future of the internet, marketplaces, and money through blockchain technology. With a belief in the transformative power of crypto and a long-term perspective, Standard Crypto supports projects from their earliest stages, bringing deep technical expertise and a hands-on approach to company building in the crypto ecosystem.


TOKYO23 is an onchain record that grows with your journey across one of the world's most sprawling and vibrant cities. It is a blank slate that grows with your journey - a journey that will take you to hidden corners of one of the world's most sprawling and vibrant cities. TOKYO23 is a soulbound token that cannot be traded - and is limited to a single token per address. As you travel to goal locations around Tokyo, the on chain image will evolve to display a record of your travels - a permanent digital memento that will evoke memories of your experience for years to come.

UMA Protocol

UMA, or Universal Market Access, is a decentralized financial contracts platform built on Ethereum. It enables users to create custom synthetic assets, which are blockchain-based contracts that can track the price of virtually anything. UMA focuses on allowing parties to write self-enforcing smart contracts with economic guarantees, using its unique "priceless" contract design that minimizes the need for on-chain price feeds. It aims to democratize and decentralize the financial derivatives market, making it accessible to anyone, anywhere, without the need for traditional financial intermediaries.


Uniswap is a decentralized exchange protocol (DEX). It allows people to set up or contribute to liquidity pools consisting of various ERC-20 token pairs, or to use the available liquidity to swap their tokens against another using its Automated Market Maker (AMM) mechanism. ### Why AMMS are one of the building blocks in the crypto space as they always provide users with a price between two assets. Uniswap uses a simple X * Y = K, formula to price assets where x is the amount of one token in the liquidity pool, and y is the amount of the other. k is a fixed constant, meaning the pool’s total liquidity is always the same. ### Risk There are various risks involved with using AMMS. These include but are not limited to: Protocol Risk - risk due to mechanics in the design of a protocol. Even when the protocol functions as intended there might be risks e.g. high slippage incurred in trades due to the liquidity curve set-up Smart contract risk - This is risk from an error in the code causing the contract to operate in ways unexpected by the developers. It might leave the code vulnerable to exploits or other attacks Cybersecurity risk - Hackers, Exploiters or other malicious actors trying to attack Uniswap ### Reward Uniswap is arguably one of the largest AMMs in crypto and is usually the protocol where tokens find the most liquidity. Its UI/UX is extremely simple and users can trade most tokens with little problems.


Created by uwu Labs, uwucrew released on September 5th 2021 and is an NFT art collection of 9670 anime style inspired avatars. We want to keep it uwu and foster a culture around empowering artists, involving our community as much as possible! uwucrew NFTs are licensed under the uwu Art License, holders are free to use their NFT characters as they wish, with a portion of team-designated uwus licensed as CC0! An interesting property of uwucrew is our unique asset generation which involves over 30 layers of hand-drawn art! In order to support various kinds of outfits and expressions, the uwucrew collection also supports multiple arm poses (even with sleeved clothes) to let us incorporate different accessories! Since launch, our positive art culture has made leaps through the NFT space, and we strive to continue setting the standard for empowering artsts and more!


Cross-chain swapping dApp, powered by RenVM Varen Finance is an Ethereum based multi-chain DeFi hub and a community-governed DAO. We build user-friendly DeFi products to enable an interoperable and multi-chain world. Varen Finance is led by a core team of community members that have taken over the project via formal DAO processes. Varen is partnered with Ren protocol and together with Ren Labs ecosystem projects will continue to build out cross-chain infrastructure, with a heavy emphasis on community and retail friendly user experience.

Verse’s multichain Verse DEX is an automated market maker-based decentralized exchange that aims to bring everyone permissionless and non-custodial trading access, with a special focus on newcomers to DeFi. Safely and securely swap crypto with low fees, including cross-chain trading between BTC, BCH, ETH and more. Anyone can also earn yield by providing liquidity to the DEX. Verse DEX is derived from the battle tested Uniswap V2 contract, and has been audited by a third-party smart contract auditor. Verse DEX is available on Ethereum and SmartBCH blockchains, but is continuously expanding onto low-fee, high transaction speed blockchains.


Vyper is a contract-oriented, pythonic programming language that targets the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). ## Principles and Goals Security: It should be possible and natural to build secure smart-contracts in Vyper. Language and compiler simplicity: The language and the compiler implementation should strive to be simple. Auditability: Vyper code should be maximally human-readable. Furthermore, it should be maximally difficult to write misleading code. Simplicity for the reader is more important than simplicity for the writer, and simplicity for readers with low prior experience with Vyper (and low prior experience with programming in general) is particularly important.


Welook aims to enhance human connections through social tokens, building strong communities with digital assets and exclusive benefits. Their method simplifies Web3 integration for brands, offering a user-friendly platform with account abstraction for easy access without complex seed phrases. Welook Labs enables token gating for exclusive events and benefits, providing a rich user experience with special perks for members, including unique events and premium benefits, fostering meaningful connections and simplifying the Web3 journey.


Wintermute is a market maker and algorithmic trading firm specializing in digital asset markets. They provide OTC services for spot and derivatives over 200 digital assets. The company also offers liquidity provision services, with support all major exchanges and pairs, covering centralized and decentralized exchanges and trading platforms. Their counterparties include funds, brokers, family offices, blockchain projects, OTC desks and other institutions, as well as qualified individuals. Wintermute also offers NODE, an OTC trading platform for institutions and qualified individual investors that delivers competitive proprietary prices and zero-fee execution across a large range of digital assets. **Why:** Wintermute was established with a mission to enable, empower, and advance the truly decentralized world, striving for more transparent, fair, and efficient markets and financial products. The company collaborates with numerous projects, particularly those aiming for listings on top-tier exchanges. Wintermute is committed to long-term partnerships, especially with projects contributing to the evolution of the blockchain ecosystem. Instead of being only token traders, Wintermute extends its support to projects by offering comprehensive guidance on various aspects of liquidity. The company also has an in-house DeFi team, actively engages with projects and provides assistance, such as facilitating token bridges from other chains to Ethereum. **Risks:** While Wintermute's focus on transparency and long-term partnerships minimizes certain risks, users engaging with algorithmic trading firms should be aware of the inherent volatility and unpredictability associated with digital asset markets. Additionally, the success of projects partnered with Wintermute may still be subject to market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and other external factors that are beyond the company's control. **Benefits:** Wintermute offers several potential benefits to its users. These include kickstarting liquidity on platforms, actively testing and using products, providing liquidity for tokens on both decentralized (DEX) and centralized (CEX) exchanges, supporting over-the-counter (OTC) transactions, and assisting with treasury management. The company's commitment to co-building and advising projects further enhances the value it brings to its partners, through a collaborative and supportive approach


Words3 is a game played on the Optimism blockchain, where players engage in a Scrabble-like word game with a twist: the objective is not only to score points by creating words but also to make profitable moves. This innovative approach combines traditional word game mechanics with blockchain technology, allowing players to potentially earn rewards based on their gameplay strategy and word choices. This game represents a unique blend of entertainment and financial incentive, emphasizing skill, strategy, and the potential for profit.

ZK jobs board

The ZK Jobs Board is a specialized platform featuring job opportunities focused on zero-knowledge (ZK) technology and related projects. It lists various positions in cryptography, engineering, research, and development among others, targeting professionals passionate about privacy-enhancing technologies and blockchain innovation. This platform connects employers with skilled individuals eager to contribute to the advancement of ZK applications within the crypto and blockchain sectors. For more details on available jobs and how to apply, you can visit their website.