executive optimist @primitivefi.# academic# dexUpdate bioProjectsPrimitive FinancePrimitive is an ecosystem of efforts to build an innovative and oracle-free solution to DeFi derivatives. Under Primitive is a US equity company Primitive Bits, the decentralized RMM protocol, and the Primitive ProductsNotes executive optimist @primitivefi.# academic# dexUpdate bio
ProjectsPrimitive FinancePrimitive is an ecosystem of efforts to build an innovative and oracle-free solution to DeFi derivatives. Under Primitive is a US equity company Primitive Bits, the decentralized RMM protocol, and the Primitive Products
Primitive FinancePrimitive is an ecosystem of efforts to build an innovative and oracle-free solution to DeFi derivatives. Under Primitive is a US equity company Primitive Bits, the decentralized RMM protocol, and the Primitive Products